AA 2017-06

Policy Code: AA 2017-06

Status: Active

Supersedes: N/A

Resolution: FPC 27-11

Area: Undergraduate Studies

Origination: 08/24/2017

Effective: 08/24/2017

Last Revised: 08/24/2017

Next Review: 08/24/2025

Council of Department Chairs and Program Coordinators


1.0 The Council of Department Chairs and Program Coordinators (CDCPC/Council) provides opportunities for Department Chairs and Program Coordinators to share common experiences and best practices in the University.

2.0 The CDCPC supports the Professional Development of the Department Chairs and Program Coordinators across all disciplines at California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH).

3.0 The Council guides the Professional Development of faculty and the educational policy from the unique perspective of the Department Chairs and Program Coordinators.

4.0 The Council works directly with the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development to organize the Chairs/Coordinators workshop at the beginning of each semester.

Charge of the Council

5.0 The Council is charged with the following:

5.1 Discuss the issues affecting department and program quality

5.2 Advise the Faculty Policy Committee (FPC) on workload, entitlement, and other personnel issues.

5.3 Advise the Education Policy Committee (EPC) on matters of program quality, academic programs, and education policy.

5.4 Provide input for the Chairs/Coordinator Workshop Agenda.

5.5 The Council shares its recommendations with the University community in regular reports to the CSUDH Academic Senate and other venues as appropriate.

5.6 Forum for discussions and recommendations about the responsibilities, challenges, and success of Department Chairs and Program Coordinators.

Composition of the Council

6.0 The CDCPC is composed of ten (10) individuals selected from the Department Chairs and Program Coordinators of each state-side academic college.

7.0 Each state-side academic college will have two (2) elected representatives.

8.0 The Council will elect a Chair each new academic year.

9.0 The Council Chair will:

9.1 Serve a period of one (1) year.

9.2 Select a regular meeting time during the Chair/Coordinator Workshop to meet at least once a semester.

9.3 Report to the Academic Senate at the end of each academic year.

9.4 Hold the first meeting of the CDCPC at the beginning of each academic year.

9.4.1 All meetings are open

9.4.2 Provide a forum for information-sharing regarding academic programs, academic planning, and other initiatives.


10.0 To uphold the University’s commitment to shared governance

11.0 The CDPC serves as an advisory board regarding academic planning and program implementation primarily for the EPC and FPC of the Academic Senate.

All Revision & Review Approved Dates


Attachments and Links




Approved Signatures


Approved: Michael E. Spagna, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs

Date: 09/08/2017

Area Manager/Owner

Approved: Undergraduate Studies

Date: N/A

Older Version Approval Signatures

Approved: N/A

Date: N/A