AA 2007-14

Policy Code: AA 2007-14

Status: Active

Supersedes: N/A

Resolution: N/A

Area: College of Education

Origination: 04/20/2007

Effective: 04/20/2007

Last Revised: 04/20/2007

Next Review: 04/15/2025

Early Field Experience for Single Subject Preparation Programs

Under the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Subject Matter Programs, all single subject teacher preparation programs are required to meet Standard 6: Early Field Experiences. To meet this requirement, students in a subject matter program must experience planned, structured introductory field experiences in departmentalized classrooms beginning as early as possible in the program. Specifically,

Introductory experiences shall include one or more of the following activities: planned observations, instruction or tutoring experiences, and other school based observations or activities that are appropriate for undergraduate students in a subject matter preparation program. (Standard 6.1)

In the Single Subject Credential Program in the College of Education, students must complete 45 hours of documented field experience in middle school or high school classrooms to meet the requirements for a basic credential program. Students who successfully complete the early field experience as undergraduates in subject matter programs at CSU Dominguez Hills may utilize up to 22 hours of their early field experience from their subject matter preparation program to meet the Single Subject Credential requirement if the following are met:

  1. The field experiences are carried out in an appropriate educational setting and include the required observational and engagement activities as set out by the Teacher Education Department;
  2. As part of the field experience, the prospective student completes the TED Early Field Observation/ Participation Documentation Form (see attached sample); and
  3. A credentialed teacher or department chair in whose class or school the field experience occurred verifies the observation/participation.

TED Early Field Observation/Participation Documentation Form

(TED 400 instructor submits candidates’ completed forms to Student Services Center)

Revised 1-25-07 Contact Teacher Education for form.

All Revision & Review Approved Dates

Origination Policy Code AAAP046.001 renamed to AA 2007-14 in 2014.

Attachments and Links

TED Early Field Observation/Participation Documentation Form, revised 1-25-07. Contact Teacher Education for form.



Approved Signatures


Approved: Allen A. Mori, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs

Date: 05/09/2007

Area Manager/Owner

Approved: Lynne Cook, Dean of College of Education

Date: 05/09/2007

Older Version Approval Signatures

Approved: N/A

Date: N/A