AA 2006-32

Policy Code: AA 2006-32

Status: Active

Supersedes: N/A

Resolution: N/A

Area: Undergraduate Studies 

Origination: 10/16/2006

Effective: 10/16/2006

Last Revised: 10/16/2006

Next Review: 04/15/2025

Student Retention Policy Council


The Student Retention Policy Council (SRPC) was established in response to the campus’ recognition of the importance of having a systematic and consistent infrastructure that supports students academically and personally to insure their academic success and facilitate graduation.


The SRPC serves the following purposes:

  1. to insure the development, implementation, and evaluation of a University Retention Plan to retain students and facilitate graduation that is aligned with the University Strategic Plan and the Enrollment Management Plan.
  2. to recommend campus policies and procedures that enhance retention efforts.
  3. to evaluate annually the Retention Action Plan and its goals and objectives recommending changes as appropriate.
  4. to coordinate retention efforts with recruitment and enrollment management efforts.
  5. to facilitate communication and interaction with the Enrollment Management Policy Council (EMPC).


The Dean for Undergraduate Studies shall serve as the University’s Retention Officer and Chair of the SRPC.

The other members of the Council shall include:

Division of Academic Affairs

The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, ex officio
The Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, ex officio
Two College Deans, one of whom shall represent a professional college
The Director of CLASS
The Chairs of the English and Mathematics Departments
The Director of the University Advisement Center and Academic Ombudsperson
The Director of the First Year Experience Program
The Chair of the Academic Senate or designee
Two faculty members, one of whom shall represent distance education (on line) degree programs
A Library faculty member representing information competency

Division of Student Affairs

The Vice President for Student Affairs, ex officio
The Associate Vice President for Student Life
The Director of EOP
The Director or Associate Director of Financial Aid
A psychologist from Student Development or Psychological Services
A representative from the Records Office
A representative from the Admissions Office

Division of Administration and Finance

The Vice President for Administration and Finance, ex officio
A representative from Accounting or the Cashier’s Office

Associated Students, Inc. (ASI)

A student representative selected by the President of ASI.

All Revision & Review Approved Dates

Origination Policy Code AAAP034.001 renamed to AA 2006-32 in 2014.

Attachments and Links




Approved Signatures


Approved: Allen A. Mori, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs

Date: 10/16/2006

Area Manager/Owner

Approved: Undergraduate Studies

Date: N/A

Older Version Approval Signatures

