AA 2006-17

Policy Code: AA 2006-17

Status: Active

Supersedes: N/A

Resolution: N/A

Area: Undergraduate Studies

Origination: 08/15/2006

Effective: 08/15/2006

Last Revised: 08/15/2006

Next Review: 04/15/2025

Course Enrollment Limits

  1. All courses approved by the University Curriculum Committee are assigned an appropriate designation that serves as a general guideline regarding the number of students that may enroll in each section.
  2. Working collectively and collegially, deans, department chairs and/or program coordinators, and faculty members assigned to a given section reach agreement concerning the number of students who will be admitted based upon available space.
  3. Traditionally, faculty members decide whether they will admit students on a seat-available basis once the agreed upon enrollment limit has been reached.
  4. However, in some instances a dean or department chair/program coordinator may request that the enrollment cap be exceeded on a one time basis.
  5. Should that happen, it shall be the responsibility of the appropriate department chair or program coordinator to insure that the original limit continues to be the “limit of record” for the course in all future terms.

All Revision & Review Approved Dates

Origination Policy Code AAAP030.001 renamed to AA 2006-17 in 2014.

Attachments and Links




Approved Signatures


Approved: Allen A. Mori, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs

Date: 08/15/2006

Area Manager/Owner

Approved: Undergraduate Studies

Date: N/A

Older Version Approval Signatures

Approved: N/A

Date: N/A