AA 2005-06

Policy Code: AA 2005-06

Status: Active

Supersedes: PM 96-07

Resolution: N/A

Area: Undergraduate Studies

Origination: 08/01/2005

Effective: 08/01/2005

Last Revised: 08/01/2005

Next Review: 02/15/2025

University Curriculum Committee (UCC)


University curriculum will be reviewed and approved by the University Curriculum Committee
(UCC). UCC will be composed of approximately fourteen (14) members, including the Chair.


The University Curriculum Committee, which reports to the Provost and Vice President for
Academic Affairs, has the following responsibilities:

  • Review and recommend approval or disapproval of new, modified, or deleted programs
    and courses;
  • Review and recommend action on appeals of college curriculum related decisions;
  • Review and recommend action on proposals returned to originating unit for revisions or
    additional information by off-campus approval bodies;
  • Identify curricular policy issues to be referred to the Educational Policies Committee of
    the Academic Senate;
  • Prepare an annual report for the Academic Senate and the Provost and Vice President for
    Academic Affairs.

Panel Membership

The membership of UCC shall be comprised as follows:

Voting Members

  • 1 Academic Senate appointment
  • 1 Faculty member from each college, elected py the college
  • 1 Instructional dean
  • 1 University Library representative
  • 1 Student representative
  • General Education Committee, chair or designee
  • Educational Policies Committee, chair or designee
  • Graduate Council, chair or designee
  • Program Review Panel, chair or designee
  • University Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee, chair or designee

Ex-officio (non-voting) Members

  • Graduate Dean
  • Undergraduate Dean
  • University Registrar
  • Staff Member - Academic Programs
  • Staff support provided by Office of Academic Programs

Terms of Service

To maintain continuity in decision making, all terms of service will be staggered and members will serve for a period of two academic years. The Committee will elect its own chair annually.

Frequency of Meetings

The Committee will meet the second and fourth Wednesday each academic year. The first meeting of the fall term will commence in September and the first meeting of the spring term will commence in February.


The Committee will prepare a written annual report on its activities and make recommendations based on its experience. The annual report will be submitted to the Chair of the Academic Senate and to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

All Revision & Review Approved Dates

Origination Policy Code AAAP012.001 renamed to AA 2005-06 in 2014.

Attachments and Links




Approved Signatures


Approved: Allen A. Mori, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs

Date: 04/08/2005

Area Manager/Owner

Approved: Undergraduate Studies

Date: N/A

Older Version Approval Signatures

Approved: N/A

Date: N/A