Walt List Procedures
Upon request, Admission and Records (A&R) will provide training to access Banner so that the
appropriate administrators and administrative support personnel in each college can view and/or
produce the roster summary for their college. These will include the enrollment information of the number of students enrolled and on the wait list for each course/selection being offered.
Three (3) weeks prior to the beginning of instruction each term, the Academic Facilities & Class
Schedule Coordinator will notify the Deans and Council of Schedulers to review the roster summary with the following intentions:
- Moving specific courses with large wait lists to larger classrooms, if available and
pedagogically reasonable. - Notifying students on large wait lists, where the creation of another section is not feasible
either given the lack of funds, qualified faculty to teach, or space, that they should
register for another course. - Canceling low enrolled courses where there is not a plausible and defendable reason for
maintaining the course.
The Deans and Council of Schedulers should regularly monitor enrollment until the census date.